Works & Exhibitions
Works & Exhibitions
On the ground. Human being to human being. The camera lens serves not as a separator, but a connector. In my travels through humanity I strive to capture the true nature of the human spirit as seen in tribal peoples all over the world.
I hope that these images will convey the magnitude and creativity of the human dimension.
This site is constantly changing and evolving to reflect the discoveries I make through my photography.
I invite you to check back often.
– Karen K Redding
If you are interested in purchasing any of these photographs as a limited edition fine art print, please contact me for specific pricing here.
Karen K Redding had her first photography show in 2008, and entered the field of photography with a professional mental health background. She has worked as a clinical social worker and psychoanalyst with a private practice in Laguna Beach, California. As an avid world traveler, these experiences in the mental health profession inspire her relationship to her subject and how she interprets what she sees. Travels Through Humanity is the name of her growing body of photographic work, taken in remote places throughout the world. This work embraces the human landscape of diversity while also highlighting that which is essentially human – our need for connection, a quest for safety and sense of belonging, and our innate desire to be seen and accepted deeply. She hopes in her photography work to convey this sense of ‘seeing,’ and in so doing, help the viewer to see the many faces and facets of our shared humanity. Her photographic work, Travels Through Humanity with a social documentary focus on indigenous people, has received attention in several art exhibits in Southern California.
April-June, 2023- Unitarian Universalist Santa Monica, Forbes Hall, Santa Monica, CA
March-May, 2022- OM Studio, Laguna Beach, CA
March-July, 2019- US Bank Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA
July-September, 2018- Sacred Roots Holistic Gallery, Long Beach, CA
May-June, 2017- Gallery de FOX, Santa Ana, CA
January-April, 2017 – US Bank Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA
May, 2015-August, 2015- Garifuna International Film Festival. Venice, CA
December, 2014 – March, 2015- Santa Ana Art Walk, Martinez Gallery. Santa Ana, CA
May, 2014- Garifuna International Film Festival. Venice, CA
February, 2014- Two Photographers Inspired by Buddhist Teachings, Unitarian Universalist Church. Santa Monica, CA
March, 2013 – Art Exhibit at American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work National Conf. Durham, NC
January – March, 2013- Citizens of the World. Community Arts Project. Solo Fine Art Photography Exhibit, Wells Fargo Bank. Laguna Beach, CA
June – September, 2012- All Media Show. Community Arts Project, Wells Fargo Bank: CAP Gallery. Laguna Beach, CA
January – May, 2012- Juried Art Show. Gallery Q, Laguna Beach Community and Senior Center, Laguna Beach, CA
October – November, 2011- Beyond the Veil, Martinez Frame & Gallery, Santa Ana, CA
May, 2011- Art Exhibit at the 2011 American Psychiatry Association Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii, received Best In Show award.
March, 2011- Art Exhibit at the 2011 National Conference of the American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work at the Marina del Rey Marriott.
December, 2010- Treasure the Heart, Khyber Pass Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA
November – January, 2011- Portraits. Community Arts Project, Wells Fargo Bank: CAP Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA
February, 2011- Laguna Beach Books, Laguna Beach, CA
December, 2010- The Artists Collective, sponsored by The Friendship Shelter, Laguna Beach, CA
June – September, 2010- All Mixed Up. Community Arts Project, Wells Fargo Bank, CAP Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA
September, 2010- The Art of Getting Home, sponsored by The Friendship Shelter, Seven Degrees Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA
March – May, 2010– Undiluted, Martinez Frame & Design, Santa Ana, CA
June, 2009- A Photographic Journey: Ethiopia, Liberal Latitudes Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA
June, 2008- A Photographic Journey: Papua New Guinea, Liberal Latitudes Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA
May, 2011- ‘Best of Show’ Award at the Art Exhibit of the American Psychiatry Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.
June, 2010- January, 2013- Humanity on Display at InsightLA, Santa Monica, CA
September, 2010- Present Collection of Photographs from Travels Through. Humanity on Display at The Friendship Shelter, Laguna Beach, CA
She Finds Common Ground Through a Lens by Robin Pierson (Laguna Beach Independent, June, 2008).
A Lens That Magnifies Humanity by Robin Pierson (Laguna Beach Independent, June, 2009).
Thinking Outside the Box: Taking Clinical Social Work into Third World Adventure Travels (CSCSW, Clinical Social Work Update, August, 2009).
On The Far Side of the World with Karen Redding. Profiles in Friendship: Karen K Redding: The Interview (The Friendship Shelter News & Events, August, 2010).
Showcasing Art’s Healing Power by Robin Pierson (Laguna Beach Independent, December, 2010).
Friendship Shelter’s Own Artists Put on a Show (Laguna Beach Magazine, February, 2011)
Telling the Homegrown Tale by Jennifer Erickson (Laguna Beach Independent, June, 2011).
Tribal Life Plays Out in a Temple of Commerce by Daniella Walsh (Laguna Beach Independent, January, 2013).
Ten Ways To Awaken The Wise Heart: A Photographic Journey, Creative Press, 2022.
Awakening: Words and photography by Karen K Redding. Printed on the Occasion of the Exhibition ‘Awakening’ at Sacred Roots Holistic Gallery. Book Designed by Suzanne Walsh of Ashes in Orange Peels, 2018.
No Mud, No Lotus:Words and photography by Karen K Redding. Printed on the Occasion of my Solo Exhibition at Gallery de FOX. Book designed by Suzanne Walsh of Ashes in Orange Peels, 2017.
Citizens of the World: Words and photography by Karen K Redding, LCSW, Ph.D. Book designed by Suzanne Walsh of Ashes in Orange Peels, 2013.
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of this booklet for $20, please contact me here.